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Domain assignment for XP_006050699.1.26621 from NCBI 2017_08 genome

Domain architecture

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Strong hits

Sequence:  XP_006050699.1.26621
Domain Number 1 Region: 2-106
Classification Level Classification E-value
Superfamily FKBP-like 2.7e-59
Family FKBP immunophilin/proline isomerase 0.00017
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Gene Ontology term assignment details

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Cellular Component IC (bits) H-Score
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Biological Process IC (bits) H-Score

Protein sequence

External link(s) XP_006050699.1.26621
Sequence length 108
Comment PREDICTED: peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP1B isoform X1 [Bubalus bubalis]; AA=GCF_000471725.1; RF=representative genome; TAX=89462; STAX=89462; NAME=Bubalus bubalis; breed=Mediterranean; AL=Scaffold; RT=Major
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Identical sequences A0A0D9R7P8 A0A0N8EUW7 A0A212CX08 A0A286XPM7 A0A2H4ZEV3 A0A2H4ZEV8 A0A2H4ZEV9 A0A2H4ZEW0 A0A2H4ZEX3 A0A2H4ZEX4 A0A2K5DNC0 A0A2K5IP94 A0A2K5KW53 A0A2K5PAM9 A0A2K5W8Q6 A0A2K6E7X7 A0A2K6MDN0 A0A2K6P6L0 A0A2K6SHH6 F2Z5F0 F7EP21 F7HJV8 G1QJ44 G3SVR2 H2P6U3 H2QHI6 P68106 P68107
ENSNLEP00000000938 ENSTTRP00000012741 ENSP00000370379 ENSMMUP00000016204 ENSCJAP00000014269 ENSPTRP00000020110 ENSCPOP00000015420 ENSLAFP00000004348 NP_001091627.1.59421 NP_001091627.1.76553 NP_001253652.1.72884 NP_004107.1.87134 NP_004107.1.92137 XP_001144201.2.37143 XP_002758039.1.60252 XP_003125413.1.46622 XP_003270622.1.23891 XP_003473171.1.53824 XP_003827071.1.60992 XP_003935294.1.74449 XP_004268130.1.21590 XP_004312231.1.83887 XP_004377618.1.4749 XP_004394986.1.74151 XP_004418344.1.5094 XP_004582690.1.84141 XP_004627512.1.9945 XP_004663811.1.11716 XP_004686461.1.23501 XP_004745956.1.14098 XP_004839145.1.39548 XP_005400430.1.28644 XP_005576499.1.63531 XP_005895726.1.15283 XP_006050699.1.26621 XP_006167716.1.99106 XP_006197213.1.17985 XP_006744328.1.47382 XP_006767593.1.95426 XP_006910333.1.64745 XP_007114825.1.24612 XP_007183512.1.59432 XP_007455557.1.90284 XP_007969515.1.81039 XP_008587334.1.73410 XP_008847012.1.79516 XP_009235765.1.23681 XP_010356789.1.97406 XP_010590253.1.64505 XP_010838856.1.44457 XP_010946883.1.22495 XP_011354876.1.92234 XP_011736455.1.29376 XP_011806193.1.43180 XP_011899827.1.92194 XP_011995308.1.54773 XP_012308757.1.9421 XP_014710143.1.49734 XP_015977255.1.101085 XP_017382232.1.71028 XP_017508369.1.32401 XP_017748841.1.44346 XP_017911071.1.57651 XP_019306279.1.44245 XP_019826188.1.53367 XP_020015305.1.5219 XP_020726143.1.74333 XP_021553413.1.83697 XP_853461.1.84170 ENSP00000370373 ENSPTRP00000020110 ENSNLEP00000000938 ENSPPYP00000014074 4c02_B 5t15_A 5t15_F 5t15_H 5t15_J 5t9m_A 5t9m_F 5t9m_H 5t9m_J 5t9n_A 5t9n_F 5t9n_H 5t9n_J 5t9r_A 5t9r_F 5t9r_H 5t9r_J 5t9s_A 5t9s_F 5t9s_H 5t9s_J 5t9v_A 5t9v_F 5t9v_H 5t9v_J 5ta3_A 5ta3_F 5ta3_H 5ta3_J 5tal_A 5tal_F 5tal_H 5tal_J 5tam_A 5tam_F 5tam_H 5tam_J 5tan_A 5tan_F 5tan_H 5tan_J 5tap_A 5tap_F 5tap_H 5tap_J 5taq_A 5taq_F 5taq_H 5taq_J 5tas_A 5tas_F 5tas_H 5tas_J 5tat_A 5tat_F 5tat_H 5tat_J 5tau_A 5tau_F 5tau_H 5tau_J 5tav_A 5tav_F 5tav_H 5tav_J 5taw_A 5taw_F 5taw_H 5taw_J 5tax_A 5tax_F 5tax_H 5tax_J 5tay_A 5tay_F 5tay_H 5tay_J 5taz_A 5taz_F 5taz_H 5taz_J 5tb0_A 5tb0_F 5tb0_H 5tb0_J 5tb1_A 5tb1_F 5tb1_H 5tb1_J 5tb2_A 5tb2_F 5tb2_H 5tb2_J 5tb3_A 5tb3_F 5tb3_H 5tb3_J 5tb4_A 5tb4_F 5tb4_H 5tb4_J ENSPPYP00000014074 10141.ENSCPOP00000015420 9544.ENSMMUP00000016204 9598.ENSPTRP00000020110 9606.ENSP00000370373 9823.ENSSSCP00000009158 ENSCJAP00000014283 ENSMMUP00000016204 gi|4758380|ref|NP_004107.1| ENSSSCP00000009158 ENSLAFP00000004348 ENSTTRP00000012741 ENSCPOP00000015420 ENSBTAP00000004419 ENSBTAP00000004419 ENSP00000370373 ENSSSCP00000009158 001088053|e4c02B1||B:1-108 d4c02b_ Hs4758380___KOG0544

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