SUPERFAMILY 1.75 HMM library and genome assignments server

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Domain combinations for 100895,47473,48726,48726,75011 superfamilies in Takifugu rubripes 76_4

The selected domain combination is the occurrence of the following superfamily domains in N- to C-Terminal order:

100895 - Kazal-type serine protease inhibitors
47473 - EF-hand
48726 - Immunoglobulin
48726 - Immunoglobulin
75011 - 3-carboxy-cis,cis-mucoante lactonizing enzyme

Phylogenetic distribution

Other domain architectures with a similar genomic distribution.
See the phylogenetic distribution for this domain architecture.

Domain combination graphics and links

4 sequences contain the 100895,47473,48726,48726,75011 domain architecture in Takifugu rubripes 76_4.

Remove higher domain architectures which include the chosen architecture.

Click on a domain architecture to see the domain assignment details.
The key to the domain colours is at the bottom of the page.



