The results are sorted from lowest E-value to highest E-value. Strong classifications have a low E-value. Weak classifications have an E-value greater than 0.0001. Weak hits are shown in gray. Weak hits are not shown on the domain architecture.
The family level classification is conditional on the domain being a member of the specified superfamily. There is a possibility that the selected domain is a member of a sub-family for which no structure has yet been solved.
Sequence: |
cath|current|1etqA00/10-98 |
Domain Number 1 |
Region: 4-98 |
Classification Level |
Classification |
E-value |
Superfamily |
Homeodomain-like |
3.01e-26 |
Family |
FIS-like |
0.00000476 |
Further Details: |
The top 10 most specific Gene Ontology terms for each namespace assigned to this domain architecture as determined by 
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Information Content (IC) is an information theoretic score measured in bits of how informative it is to assign a given ontological term to a domain archtecture. The higher the score the more informative it is to talk about the term given the domain architecture.
H-score (hypergeometric score) indicates the strength of assigning an ontological term to this domain architecture. Assignments with higher scores are of a better quality. Details for the methodology be found on the dcGO website.
Biological Process |
IC (bits) |
H-Score |
Cellular Component |
IC (bits) |
H-Score |
Molecular Function |
IC (bits) |
H-Score |